Top 10k strings from Composer (1984)(Contrast Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 ;"                              ";
   3 ;"_______________________";
   2 ;"Tempo ?";
   2 ;"START TAPE"
   2 ;"Edit from ?";ks
   2 ;"Counter out of range ";
   2 ;"(1-";(k);")  -retype";
   2 ;"                             ";
   2 ;"                              "
   2 *oct*(p<69
   2 "Enter name of tune ?";a$
   1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
   1 y(i)=d(i):
   1 t=(t+dt)*((t+dt)
   1 print/shift key layout
   1 print organ
   1 p(k)=p(200
   1 p(i)=y(i+200
   1 o(k)=o(200
   1 o(i)=y(i+400
   1 nm=oct-jk:
   1 ndling notes apply equally to the use of pauses. As a refer-  ence number 'N' is assigned to  pauses as well as notes, a pausecannot be edited into the compo-sition as an after-thought. If  in doubt, enter pauses of very  short duration (0.02 secs say)  using mode 'B'. Any such puctua-tions can always be extended    later using edit."
   1 m$(k)=m$(200
   1 key select
   1 graphic u=
   1 d(k)=d(200
   1 d(k)/t,p(k)
   1 d(i)=y(i):
   1 compose/edit routine
   1 beep duration
   1 b(k)=b(200
   1 b(i)=y(i+800
   1 TONY RICKWOOD (1983)
   1 Screen/Printer prompt
   1 S T O P   T H E   T A P E
   1 S A V E   R O U T I N E
   1 Restart note reference
   1 LOGO      
   1 L O A D   R O U T I N E
   1 Increment/decrement middle c
   1 I N S T R U C T I O N S
   1 Extended/short octave switch
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 C O M P O S E R                 
   1 C O M P O S E R
   1 C O M P O S E
   1 ;graphic p=
   1 ;graphic o=
   1 ;graphic i=
   1 ;"qwertyuiop"
   1 ;"^ Middle c":
   1 ;"Tune '";a$;"' verified":
   1 ;"Tempo out of range - retype";
   1 ;"Set up tape then press any key  to start load":
   1 ;"STOP TAPE":
   1 ;"STOP TAPE ";
   1 ;"STOP TAPE ":
   1 ;"SHORT octave range selected":
   1 ;"Rewind tape to verify"'"and press any key":
   1 ;"Record limit":
   1 ;"Re-start from ?";kk
   1 ;"Press any key to continue":
   1 ;"NO TUNE ENTERED"'"Please use '
   1 ;"Modes.....";
   1 ;"For modes C,E and R.....";
   1 ;"EXTENDED octave range selected":
   1 ;"Beep duration? ";dt
   1 ;"Beep duration ?";dt:
   1 ;"B.D.out of range-retype ";
   1 ;"1111111111222";
   1 ;"111 11 112";
   1 ;"'";a$;"' saved":
   1 ;"'";a$;"' loaded";
   1 ;"#A CD FGA CD FGA CD FGA C";
   1 ;"#12 456 89 123 56 890"
   1 ;" N    K    Kc   O    D    P";
   1 ;" 1234567890123456789012"
   1 ;"                      "'"                     "
   1 ;"                              ":
   1 ;"                               "
   1 ;"                                               ";
   1 ...   Save tune";
   1 ...   Review (Listing)";
   1 ...   Playback";
   1 ...   Octave range switch*";
   1 ...   Octave -1";
   1 ...   Octave +1";
   1 ...   New Start";
   1 ...   Mid c -1 (Extended*)";
   1 ...   Mid c +1 (Extended*)";
   1 ...   Load tune";
   1 ...   Instructions";
   1 ...   Exit (back to menu)"
   1 ...   Edit";
   1 ...   Demo tune (info.)"
   1 ...   Delete note";
   1 ...   Compose";
   1 ...   Beep duration";
   1 *((t+dt)>10
   1 '"Press any key to continue":
   1 ' options"'"Press any key to continue":
   1 #f;'"When the key is released, the   line marked 'C'(=CURRENT)  will give you the following informat-ion about the note you are test-ing (as yet unentered into      memory):-"
   1 #f;'"Kc: Computer key (corresponding     to K)"
   1 #f;'"K: Musical key (normal alphabet-   ical notation for EXTENDED      mode; numerical for SHORT       mode)"
   1 #f;'"C...   Compose"'' "'COMPOSER' simulates a 3-octave (SHORT) or 7-octave (EXTENDED)  keyboard for any composition up to 199 elements (notes& pauses)"''"To register a note,press:-"'"qwertyuiop - white notes"'"134678     - black notes"
   1 #f;"Notes (or pauses) can also be   edited out by replacing them    with pauses 0.02 secs long"
   1 #f;" N    K    Kc   O    D    P":
   1 #f''"S...   Save Routine"''"Stores all data from composition(N,Kc,O,D,P) on tape. Identifiedby tune name (up to 10 chars)   Save must be verified before    continuing"
   1 #f''"R...   Review"''"Directs a fully formatted list- ing of the composition to the   ZX printer or screen (depending on response to 'Screen (S) or   Printer (P)' prompt"
   1 #f''"P...   Playback"''"Playback tempo can be controlledby entering (in response to the prompt 'TEMPO ?') any number    between 0.1 (10 times as slow)  and 10 (10 times as fast). To   playback at compsosition speed, press enter. Note.. When select-ting tempo, duration/tempo must be 
   1 #f''"O...   Octave Range Switch"''  "On entering, the program is set to run with EXTENDED octave     range (and keys identified by   normal (alphabetic) notation.** To switch to SHORT range, press key 'O' (at menu level). This   will reduce the span to 3 oct-  aves only, by suppressing use   of keys 'n' and 'm', so as to   simulate a numbered keyboard as found on some electronic organs."
   1 #f''"N...   New Start"''"Resets note counter 'N' to re-  start composition from a spec-  ified position. All notes &     pauses after this position are  erased. Note...Exit from, fol-  lowed by return, to COMPOSE modecontinues from last value of 'N'in any case. New start, on the  other hand, makes it possible tochange a composition from a     given position without having   to delete whole sections using  edit"
   1 #f''"L...   Load Routine"''"Loads composition data from tapeSimply press enter to load next tune on tape"
   1 #f''"E...   Edit"''   "In EDIT mode, you can alter and replace the attrib-utes of any  notes already in memory."
   1 #f''"B...   Beep Duration"''"On entry B.D. is set to  0.5    seconds, which means that all   notes will be either 0.5 sec-   onds long or multiples of this, depending on how long key is    depressed e.g.  D=1.5 secs      means note will have been held  for 3 beeps. B.D. can be alteredby entering any number between  0.02 and 10 (Seconds)."
   1 #f'"When a note has been deleted in EDIT mode, the program enters   the COMPOSE routine. All of the facilities listed above for the COMPOSE mode are then available for setting up ('C' row) and    entering ('L' row) the new      record."
   1 #f'"Use option 'L' to load the data file, which is a number array   called 'DEMOTUNE' (or simply    press enter in response to      'Enter name of tune ?'). This   file was created using option   'S' and can be re-saved (on     another tape) if desired"
   1 #f'"To start a new composition (and so erase old) enter '1' in      response to 'Re-start from ?"
   1 #f'"To enter a PAUSE into the compo-sition, press the BREAK key and hold for the required duration. All the above instructions for  ha
   1 #f'"To change OCTAVE:-"'"a) SHORT octave range (3 octave):   key 'j' shifts computer         keys DOWN 1 octave              key 'k' shifts UP 1 octave  b) EXTENDED octave range           (7 octaves)                     In addition to keys 'j'/'k':     key 'n' shifts middle C DOWN    1 octave                        key 'm' shifts  UP 1 octave"
   1 #f'"To SKIP notes which are o.k.,   press enter. When a note to be  edited appears as the last      entry (i.e. in 'L' row) then    press key'd' to delete that     record. EDIT mode,   the program will allow only one note to be   deleted at a time."
   1 #f'"To EXIT from the COMPOSE routine(back to menu) press 'x'"
   1 #f'"To EXIT from EDIT routine (Afteredit complete i.e.not whilst    program is waiting for a replace-ment record), press 'x'."
   1 #f'"To ENTER a note into memory,    press ENTER. This action will   be confirmed by the CURRENT     entry being transferred to the  L(=LAST) entry. The reference   number N of the note or pause   identifies for edit"
   1 #f'"To DELETE the last note entered,press 'd' once only. Repeatedly pressing will keep deleting back"
   1 #f'"The prompt 'Edit from' refers tothe note reference (N) from     where you wish to start your    editing. Deletethis note when ithas been displayed in the 'C'   (current) entry and continue as below"
   1 #f'"P: Pitch of note (as used in       BEEP command)"
   1 #f'"O: Octave No.: 0=middle C                      1=middle C+1                   -1=middle C-1 etc                up to +3 or -3"
   1 #f'"Note... You cannot change octaverange in the middle of a compos-ition. If you wish to change    having started, BREAK and re-RUN(by typing RUN 2)"
   1 #f'"Good luck!!                     (and roll over Beethoven!)"
   1 #f'"Get a listing using option 'R'  (You will see that sHORT octave range has been used to compose  in conjunction with a numbered  keyboard). Use any of the other options you wish to play around with the composition and so get the feel of the program."
   1 #f'"D: Duration of note (any mult-     iple of beep duration as set    using option 'B') depending     on how long key is held.        A note of the required durat-   ion may be heard as several     beeps at this stage. These      will be joined up to produce    one continuous note on          playback (Note: you cannot      exceed total duration of        10 seconds)"
   1 #f'"A demonstration tune can be     loaded from tape (directly foll-owing the program)"
   1 #f'"** Unless a SHORT octave file   (e.g. see Demo) is loaded. File characteristics automatically   reset this switch"
   1 "Screen (S) or Printer (P)?";
   1 "Re-start from ?";kk
   1 "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","A","B","C","D"
   1  tune is entered":
   1  Tony Rickwood (1983)
   1  TONY RICKWOOD(1983)":
   1  Octave range must be    selected 
   1   Record/skip note";